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Selectmen's Minutes September 30, 1997
September 30, 1997 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Selectmen Present: Chairman, Charles Flynn, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones.  Executive Secretary, Joseph Nugent.  (Judy Murdoch Absent due to vacation)

I.      Chairman Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:30.  Executive Secretary outlined several items he felt the Board might want to discuss.  Some dealing with Town issues some with Board issues.  Flynn suggested the Board take action on the memorandum agreement with the Police Dept concerning the use of Auxiliary Police Officers.  After some discussion by Board Members, regarding clarification of certain paragraphs, Kuchinski made motion to accept and sign the memorandum agreement, second by Jones. 3-0-1 (Webster abstained)

II.     Nugent began discussion of the Town’s potential for establishing one or more sites which might house some communication towers.  He shared information with the Board which outlined potential revenues averaging approximately $17,000-$20,000 per year.  The Board members concurred that it would be worth while to pursue this concept and directed the Executive Secretary to look further into the matter.  The Second item to be discussed was the idea of creating and expanding a sidewalk network within the Town.  Nugent pointed out that he felt strongly that the Board members should discuss this issue directly with the Highway Surveyor.  Jones mentioned that the Police Chief had suggested a Safety Committee be established or the Street Lighting Committee be established to deal with the sidewalk issue as well as street lighting and crosswalks.  Board Members Jones and Webster will attempt to discuss this issue further.    Board members discussed a meeting date at which the newly organized sub-committee consisting of 2 members from The Board of Selectmen, 2 members from the Water Commission, and 2 members from Conservation Commission would meet.  A tentative date of Oct. 9, 1997 at 7:30pm was set ( Executive Secretary to confirm with all parties).  

III.    The Board discussed the disposition of the County Property.  The Board agreed that they felt initial meetings with the County Commissioners should involve the entire Board.  Board members requested any history of the property which might be available and asked that Representative Marini be contacted.  The board also asked that a tour of the property be scheduled for 9:00 am on November 1, 1997.  Mr. Nugent advised the Board that in a conversation with Commissioner Stone, Stone indicated some of the financial implications the county is facing in attempting to deal with the property on High Street.  Nugent further stated that he would outline some of these issues in a confidential memo to the board.  

IV.     The Board moved on to a discussion concerning zoning and planning.  Members specifically discussed The Planning Board’s position on introducing new zoning before the Town.  Nugent mentioned the Planning Board’s lack of response relating to impact fees limiting Building Permits and implementation of new zoning bylaws.  Board Members agreed to monitor the Planning issues before the Town.  Board members focused on Board issues.  Nugent suggested the Board consider assigning members as liaisons to the various major Department heads.  Jones felt that prior to doing that the Board Members might delay the start of a Selectmen’s Meeting and sit in on various other Board meetings at various times to develop a clearer understanding of issues which other boards in Town are facing.  Jones suggested that a management report system be put in place for major Department Heads which would consist of a one or two page report outlining ongoing data as well as issues.  The board asked the Executive Secretary to investigate with other Towns and also ask for input from the Departments.  Flynn mentioned two issues, the first- that the office complete the agenda by Thursday Night and other than minor items the Agenda should be closed and not reopened.  Flynn also indicated that action requests should be kept to simply that, requests for information, and Board members should make an effort to contact the office prior to meetings with most requests.  Flynn indicated that presently action requests sometimes get debated and take up meeting time prior to all information being presented.  Nugent requested the Board establish some negotiation dates for coming negotiations.  The Board agreed that on October 7 we would hold a brief Executive Session to discuss negotiations by reviewing certain items of the contracts and establishing dates to meet with Union Officials.  The Board agreed to meet again for another planning meeting on Dec. 9.  The Board also suggested the Planning Board members be invited to speak with the Board of Selectmen at 7:00 PM Oct. 6 prior to the Town Meeting.

V.      Adjournment -  Motion to adjourn by Jones second by Webster.4-0 Vote.  Meeting Adjourned at 9:50 PM .